Case: I am trying to get the mate of the reads that map to eg. chromosome 1 (chr1)
I use the pysam module to extract those reads. While I can extract the position of the mates(rnext), I cannot extract the mate itself (meaning the sequence, qualty etc.)
The below code returns Valuerror: mate not found.
sortedBamfile = pysam.Samfile("sortedmappedReads.bam", "rb")
for alignedread in sortedBamfile.fetch("chr1"):
print sortedBamfile.mate(alignedread)
However when I print the position of the mate I don't get an error. Which means that the mate exists.
for alignedread in sortedBamfile.fetch("chr1"):
print sortedBamfile.getrname(alignedread.rnext)
Do you have any ideas/hints? Thanks!!
The piece of code that returns
ValueError: mate not found
, does it print any other mates first or does it immediately crash?Also, for clarity, I think you mean
print sortedBamfile.getrname(alignedread.rnext)
instead ofprint sortedBamfile.getrefname(alignedread.rnext)
It immediately crashes. It does not print any mate at all. Any ideas what could be wrong? You were right about the typo. I edited the question.
Hmm, I'm a bit at a loss here - you could try using Picard's
to see whether there's anything weird with your bam-file, or try and re-make the index (.bam.bai
file) using samtools index.... Which mapper did you use to generate the sam-files? I know there can be problems when you use SOAP'
I used bowtie2. The thing is that I am also trying to get discordant reads. Would that be an issue? (but still I can get the mate's position) .I will validate my sam file.
rnext is stored in the read you are currently processing. .mate(someread) is a totally different operation that goes and finds the mate somewhere in the BAM.
I'm not familiar with .mate() since i typically read the whole file and match up mates in memory (this is often a lot faster than using the index via .mate), however I would imagine that your error is something due to the fact that pysam doesn't know how to find your mates. Consider indexing the bam, and posting a few lines of the bam (ideally a mate-pair) so we can see why pysam is struggling
EDIT: I just noticed this thread is two years old, lol.