Dear all, I created a database of human chromosomes using the repository. The database was created in the folder refChr and contained the files:
hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.amb hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.pac
hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.ann hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.rbwt hs_ref_GRCh38_p2_split.fa
hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.bwt hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.rpac hs_ref_GRCh38_p2_split.fa.log
hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.fa hs_ref_GRCh38_p2.rsa hs_ref_GRCh38_p2_split_PS.fa.fasta
I then modified the DECONSEQ config file in order to point to the right database with the lines:
use constant DBS => {hs_ref_GRCh38_p2 => {name => 'Human Reference GRCh38',
db => 'hs_ref_GRCh38_p2'}, ...
use constant DB_DEFAULT => 'refChr';
and then I ran DECONSEQ as follows:
perl /usr/local/lib/Deconseq/ -f fu_1.fq -dbs ./refChr/hs_ref_GRCh38_p2 -i 90 -c 90 -out_dir DECONSEQ
where fu_1.fq is the file to be analyzed but I obtained:
ERROR: database "./refChr/hs_ref_GRCh38_p2" does not exist in config file.
When running:
perl /usr/local/lib/Deconseq/ -f fu_1.fq -dbs hs_ref_GRCh38_p2 -i 90 -c 90 -out_dir DECONSEQ
the result was:
ERROR: cannot find all database files for database "hs_ref_GRCh38_p2" in dir "db/".
Could you please tell what I am getting wrong?