I'm having trouble with using this module, more specifically the 'search' function. How do i get the atom list from a pdb file (is this using PDBParser)? How do I use it to find the nearest residues from the co-crystallized ligand?
I'm having trouble with using this module, more specifically the 'search' function. How do i get the atom list from a pdb file (is this using PDBParser)? How do I use it to find the nearest residues from the co-crystallized ligand?
The basic syntax of NeighborSearch is the following. If you tell me what you want to do exactly I can give you a more precise hint. Also, see the Bio.PDB FAQ (pdf).
The script basically loads the local pdb structure file molecule.pdb, creates a list of all atoms, gets the coordinates of the first atom, and prints a list of all resides within 5 angstrom of it (source).
from Bio.PDB import *
import sys
structure = PDBParser().get_structure('X', 'molecule.pdb') # load your molecule
atom_list = Selection.unfold_entities(structure, 'A') # A for atoms
ns = NeighborSearch(atom_list)
center = atom_list[0].get_coord()
neighbors = ns.search(center, 5.0) # 5.0 for distance in angstrom
residue_list = Selection.unfold_entities(neighbor_list, 'R') # R for residues
print residue_list
If you are interested in the neighbors of just a few atoms/residues, you might want to consider PyMOL since it has a nice set of GUI features that are more easily accessible.
Thanks very much for the reply.
Basically, what I want to do is find the nearest neighbors to the ligand bound in a protein. I need to do this for quite a few (over 200 pdbs) hence I wanted to use a script.
So in this test case, the ligand has a resseq=600
and the chain starts at resseq=307
. Does this mean in center = atom_list[0].get_coord()
the 0 would be 293?
Thanks again
Hi I have large number of hetero-dimeric proteins. I need to check for all atoms of chain A for which atoms of chain B are within 10Å and need to obtain the list of residue numbers of those atoms as output. I am new to programming and I do not know how to write the code for this using the NeighborSearch module. Would you be able to help me out?
here is a script that calculates the fnat using modeller - and it is a bit more straightforward to tease apart the ligand and receptor (it should all work automatically, no messy renumbering stages). it is however quite slow, but maybe you will find it useful ... !
from modeller import *
from modeller.scripts import complete_pdb
import sys,os
import math
import numpy as np
def calculate_fnat(model,cut_off):
fnat = {}
for a in model.chains:
for b in model.chains:
if a != b:
sel_a = selection(a)
sel_b = selection(b)
for ca_a in sel_a:
ax = ca_a.x
ay = ca_a.y
az = ca_a.z
for ca_b in sel_b:
bx = ca_b.x
by = ca_b.y
bz = ca_b.z
dist = math.sqrt(((ax-bx)**2)+((ay-by)**2)+((az-bz)**2))
if dist <= cut_off:
a_res = ca_a.residue
b_res = ca_b.residue
if (int(b_res._num)+1,b.name,int(a_res._num)+1, a.name) not in fnat:
if (int(a_res._num)+1,a.name,int(b_res._num)+1, b.name) not in fnat:
fnat[int(a_res._num)+1,a.name,int(b_res._num)+1, b.name] = dist
return fnat
# initialise the environment .
env = environ()
#calculate native contacts
m1 = complete_pdb(env, 'native.pdb')
rmsd_sel = selection(m1).only_atom_types('CA')
fnat = calculate_fnat(m1,5)
filenames = []
for pdb_file in [l for l in os.listdir("./") if l.endswith(".pdb")]:
print pdb_file
results = []
# calculate model contacts
for fname in filenames:
m2 = complete_pdb(env, fname)
fnat_mod = calculate_fnat(m2,5)
count = float(0)
#compare native contacts to model contacts
for f in fnat:
if f in fnat_mod:
count += 1
score = count/len(fnat)
#output results
f1 = open('data_4.txt','w')
for line in results:
f1.write('%s\t%s\n' % (line[0],line[1]))
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Can you show us the code you already have got?