Thanks Sean and John for your help.
Sean- I tried with relaxed stringency crietria Adj.Pvalues <0.05. Still no genes are satisfying this criteria.
But if just see my unadjusted Pvalues (unadjusted.P-values<0.01) they look good and I have 400 candidate genes that are differentially expressed. Can I consider the criteria of unadjusted P values? I am not a statistician so I am not very clear where to consider adjusted P-values and where to consider unadjusted ones? Can any one please explain me.
Below I am copying few lines of my top results. Why so much difference between adjusted P values and unadjusted P-values? Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
ID logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
xx1_at -2.0682486 8.298777 -5.671953 4.754428e-05 0.4441129 1.16804549
xx3_at -1.1045124 7.838776 -5.446288 7.206374e-05 0.4441129 0.90168939
xx9_at -0.9933025 5.900082 -5.378236 8.180199e-05 0.4441129 0.81951230
xx5_at 0.5784688 5.979741 5.211694 1.118385e-04 0.4441129 0.61478979
xx2_at -1.1998221 8.423590 -5.174542 1.199786e-04 0.4441129 0.56842423
xx8_at -1.7810264 7.939280 -5.071211 1.460053e-04 0.4441129 0.43814027
xx4_at -0.4775558 2.965913 -5.026975 1.588722e-04 0.4441129 0.38177252
xx3_at 0.4783773 6.547145 4.917570 1.959800e-04 0.4441129 0.24084966
xx2_at -0.6317992 2.953137 -4.795892 2.479321e-04 0.4441129 0.08161861
xx7_at -0.5901271 3.606651 -4.743114 2.747013e-04 0.4441129 0.01174557
xx2_at -0.6615366 5.228286 -4.708753 2.937133e-04 0.4441129 -0.03400289
xx4_at -1.5438633 5.824030 -4.674656 3.139213e-04 0.4441129 -0.07960106
xx2_at 0.5362903 4.838442 4.613063 3.541284e-04 0.4441129 -0.16246898
If the adjusted p value is actually a False Discovery Rate, then requiring 0.01 is overly stringent.
It is certainly possible that you have real differences which are not reaching significance level because of your small sample size. Increasing replicates may help. But, also try some pre-filtering which I suggest in my answer below.