Can anyone please recommend some good research papers on docking and homology modeling?
Thank you very much in advance! :)
Can anyone please recommend some good research papers on docking and homology modeling?
Thank you very much in advance! :)
In no particular order, and just a starting point for more research into both topics. I would check the CAPRI and CASP pages for more information on the algorithms the community is using.
Melquiond ASJ, Karaca E, Kastritis PL, Bonvin AMJJ (2011) Next challenges in protein-protein docking: from proteome to interactome and beyond. WIREs Comput Mol Sci:n/a–n/a.
Zacharias M (2010) Accounting for conformational changes during protein-protein docking. Curr Opin Struct Biol 20:180–186.
Vajda S, Kozakov D (2009) Convergence and combination of methods in protein–protein docking. Curr Opin Struct Biol 19:164–170.
Janin J (2010) Protein–protein docking tested in blind predictions: the CAPRI experiment. Mol BioSyst 6:2351.
Homology Modelling:
Zhang Y (2008) Progress and challenges in protein structure prediction. Curr Opin Struct Biol 18:342–348.
Xiang Z (2006) Advances in Homology Protein Structure Modeling. Curr Protein Pept Sci 7:217.
Please, don't afraid to use PubMed or Google scholar before asking very simple questions. Pubmed gave in top 10 results in Review section several very interesing papers for simple homology docking query.
Homology models in docking and high-throughput docking.
Homology modeling of G-protein-coupled receptors with X-ray structures on the rise.
Performance of 3D-Database Molecular Docking Studies into Homology Models
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I upvoted the question. Not because it's worth it, but because I think downvoting is unfair. Although this could have been answered, like chupvl said, with Pubmed or Google Scholar, there is still to distinguish good papers from crappy papers, and that's where 'experts' come in.