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8.8 years ago
Hi, I am trying to run trimmomatic directly in the Trinity command, I am using the following:
trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 100G --left ~/Dp_RNAseq/raw_data/All_reads_R1.fastq --right ~/Dp_RNAseq/raw_data/All_reads_R2.fastq --CPU 8 --output ~/Dp_RNAseq/Trinity/ --quality_trimming_params "LEADING:2 TRAILING:2 MINLEN:25"
Doesn't matter how I type it, or the actual options I put in. Trinity doesn't seem to be able to read the parameters in the --quality_trimmin_params. I see getting the error:
Error, do not understand options: TRAILING:2 MINLEN:25
What I am doing wrong?. I checked with several examples and my command seems identical to them.
From Trinity wiki
If you want to change parameters follow the command structure above.
Explanation for trimmomatic parameters is here.
thanks, I don't know how that is different from what I did. Using the ILLUMINACLIP and SLIDINGWINDOWS options doesn't change anything, it still give me the same error.
It appears that you have forgotten to include
option in your trinity command to indicate to trinity that you want to run that program.I did run with the --trimmomatic option in the beginning and it didn't work, trying things I deleted it.
Can you try with following options? Replace $TRIMMOMATIC_DIR with real path to the adapters file on your system.
Thank you so much for your help @genomax2. I did tried that, I don't really need ILLUMINACLIP option because I don't want to use it, my reads were trimmed for adapters at the sequencing center, but seeing that wiring only the two other options wasn't working, I tried writing the command exactly like in most examples out there (with the ILLUMINACLIP option), and yes, I made sure the path to adapters was correct. Didn't work. I decided to run trimmomatic outside trinity and it worked fine, now I am running the assembly, still not knowing what was wrong.
I guess we won't know what the problem was then .. but as long as you got it to work.