Hi all,
Our lab has sequenced a set of different Bacillus strains and assembled contigs for each individual genome. I wish to set up a search for the presence/absence of multiple known genes (we have FASTA files for those) in our set of genomes. I was hoping to do this via BLAST but looking at the website, it seems that you can only search for genes in genomes exclusively available on the NCBI database.
Is there any way to set up a search for genes in the genomes of the strains that I've sequenced and assembled? I was hoping to find an option to upload our own "search sets" but it doesn't seem to be available on http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi
Thanks, I appreciate your response. I might give this try then - I have rudimentary UNIX experience. By any chance, do you know of anything like Galaxy that offers service like BLAST but lets you upload your own database?
If you have UNIX skills to get started then by all means find a local computer resource (or even a desktop with respectable spces). This would be a good chance to get your feet wet and polish your UNIX skills. You can use Jim Kent's blat (in addition to/instead of blast) which can be very fast for identifying closely related sequences. Since you are working with bacteria you may not need very beefy hardware (8 G RAM may be min req).
You could also use blast 2 sequences against each other service from NCBI to search in a pairwise fashion.