An example of aligned reads as this image:
After variant calling, in the VCF there are many GT: 0/0 including the example above (red rectangle) which is A --> C and GT: 0/0.
Can someone explain why such example is "Homozygous reference 0/0" while there is both A and C in the non-reference(reads) ? shouldn't it be "Heterozygous 0/1" ?
Note: my only idea is that the Variant Caller doesn't count for the Cs through whatever reason or calculation and assumes there is only A that is why called it as 0/0.
see also Why Does Mpileup Skip My Mutation ?
good point. reverse checking when you have an already confirmed particular variant helps to understand how the variant calling process works. trying to know why an already known variant may not be called is usually quite tricky.
Thanks. Yours is also a nice point to learn from.
What variant caller are you using and with what settings? Could be that the threshold for calling a hetrozygous call is >0.25 and when you have less than 25% of non reference alleles the call usually will be homozygous reference...
I used "Freebayes" with no option (default):
But I also used GATK which didn't return any SNP with 0/0.
What version of "freebayes" did you used to call vcf? I want to call 0/0 with freebayes but I don't get any 0/0s with same option with freebayes-5d5b8ac0