hello there, Can I use BLAST2go software to blast about 80000 sequences at a time and for functional analysis like GO, KEGG??? the sequence that I have is(seq>= 200 base paired ) in fasta format and assembled in trinity.
I tried in BLAST2 go pro but got problem while blasting as sequence file is big.
could you please suggest me the suitable way to deal???
I don't know Blast2Go specifically, but maybe reducing the number of sequences you provide as it seems to be the problem (for example 8 times 10000 sequences instead of 80000 at once) ?
Hi, Blast2go is not suitable for blasting sequences: it will take a long long time as you may have noticed. I recommend to go on local using NCBI-blast for the blast and use a cluster if your instutition owns one. You can get more info on the NCBI website.