Interesting, Paper : Genetic circuit design automation
Source Available : Github
Interesting, Paper : Genetic circuit design automation
Source Available : Github
Give me a break. Please close this thread. People are actually going to take it seriously !!!!!
[EDIT] I don't have access to the Science paper from home right now. I'll check it more carefully at work tomorrow. I really thought this was an April's fool joke initially. It appears I may have been wrong. I suppose I'm not imaginative enough. I've actually worked with researchers attempting to program artificial circuits in cells in the past, and although the concept was impressive, the actual attempts at implementations were not, hence my initial skepticism. The sparseness of the website and the GitHub repository further fueled my skepticism. Sorry if I was wrong.
Here's the article, read the 99 page supplementary and decide for yourself.
@venu @vchris_ngs yes so many inventions went public on April1, and then were never seen again :D, but could revolutionise how we see things :)
@Sukhdeep Singh, indeed these are recurrent publishes that happen every year as a part of prank inventions on 1st April but at some part of the world they do create ideas that people work on to make them partly real and obviously reality seems far fetched but the idea definitely instills a revolutionary fervor of how one sees the world. That is the reason the field of science never ceases to amaze us.
This exercise was quite eye opening for me - it showed how scientific bombast may sound if one starts reading it with a more skeptical and less forgiving mood.
On any other day I would have probably looked at it with interest - on April first it sounded all made up, fake and notably boring.
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Heh. I have read this on April 1st and I thought it was an elaborate April Fools joke.
Especially where it said "No experience needed" I stopped reading at that point.
I guess it is not a joke?
Such a coincidence, but doesn't look likes one.
I'd like to add an extension to
See also:
Quite intriguing and in no way looks like a April Fools joke to me. The lab seems to be working on these kind of project for a long time but yes , part of "No experience needed" seems to be far fetched to me. Did a bit of digging at the profiles and seems legit now have to dig the part of the platform. I love how things converge at science. Still gives me goosebumps when I read about these things and makes me ponder : superhuman existence might not be a distant reality. (just my opinion though)
Do we need superhumans!?
As I said it is only my opinion, am not voicing out a general opinion about the need of superhumans, but yes the idea of superhuman to me is not a war machine or a savior for human race amidst danger, it will be more research oriented need catering to personalized medicines, but having said that there are lot of ethical issues and it is far from reality. But there are always possibilities to not create but find such humans with some systemic imbalances at level of variation or even protein dis-regularity that might contribute to advances in research. Then again I do not want to go to the ethical concerns , I am well aware of the pros and mostly cons of it. It was just the science bug that brings out this part of me which might convey a lot of non-sense to the community. So better not to drag on that side.
Right agree, hopefully no ones in the near future is selling customized Cello codes on the Darknet :)