I ran bwa mem on a SRA exome file (SRR2968047) but i saw following error :
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Indexing was done successfully, and my command is :
bwa mem -t 3 -R '@RG\tID:SRR2968047\tSM:ExomeSample1\tPL:Illumina\tPU:Hiseq2500' -M Genome/hg38 Raw/Clean/1.fq.gz Raw/Clean/2.fq.gz | samtools view -Sbh | samtools sort - aln-sorted
other feature of my system:
- OS: Fedora
- RAM : 7GB
- CPU: 4 core
How can I fix this problem??
I ran your command. It works fine to me. It seems you have Memory problem. May be RAM or CPU. Here is my suggestion to come to a solution:
1- Extract around 20000 reads: head -n 20000 SRR.fastq > SRR_new.fastq
2- Run bwa again with option "-t 2" not -t 3. And exclude this part of the pipeline for now "samtools view -Sbh | samtools sort - aln-sorted".
Give us a feedback then
Hope it helps.
Or even -t 1, I believe bwa uses 5 point something Gb of memory for aligning against the human genome.