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8.9 years ago
Currently, for a new paper I want to illustrate the different types of proteins I do have data for from the ENCODE consortium. So I want to term one group as transciription factors (TF), another group as coregulators and a third group as chromatin remodellers (CM). Sadly, I found no such classification on www.encodeproject.org.
If you could help me here and provide me with such a list, I would be very delighted.
Many thanks for your help in advance!
hi, I am not sure about 'coregulators', but there is a very good resource @ the Broad website: MSigDb. Its a compendium of GO, KEGG, Reactome and additional computational classification of gene functional families. Searching a particular function will pull out related pathways which then list the constituent genes. Might help your case. Another resource is HGNC gene families page.