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8.9 years ago
Erika Gedvilaite
Hello all,
This is probably a beginner question, but I have been scavaging the internet and cannot find the answer. I want to add a header or an identifier to my list of lists.
I am inporting a csv file that has multiple data points for multiple individuals:
V1 V2 V3
Tary 23 24 14
Lane 10 15 30
Don 15 30 34
FILE_LIST <- list()
listcsv <- dir(path = "Area_C5_Optimized/", pattern = "*Area_Analysis.csv",full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,no.. = T)
for (x in 1:length(listcsv)){
FILE_LIST[[x]] <- read.table(file = listcsv[x], header = T, sep = ",", skipNul = T, fill = T)
colnames(FILE_LIST[[x]]) <- c("V1","V2","V3","V4","V5","V6","V7","V8","V9","V10","V11","V12")
I am first summing the totals and the sums
TOTAL_SUMS <- list()
AREA_SUMS <-list()
for (i in 1:length(FILE_LIST)){
TOTAL_SUMS[[i]] <- list(rowSums(x = FILE_LIST[[i]][, 2:12], na.rm = TRUE))
AREA_SUMS[[i]] <- list(rowSums(x = FILE_LIST[[i]][, 3:12], na.rm = TRUE))
And now I want to create a boxplot for each area, all v3 values by doing this:
V3_females <- list()
for (r in 1:length(FILE_LIST)){
if (length(grep(x = FILE_LIST[[r]][1,1], pattern = "*_females")) > 0){
V3_females[[r]] <- FILE_LIST[[r]][,3]
V3_females <- V3_females[ ! sapply(V3_females, is.null) ]
boxplot(x = V3_females, na.rm = TRUE, main = "C5 Wings Areas by Segment(female) - V3", xlab = "Wing Mutation", ylab = "Area Distribution")
Now for each graph produce I want all of the bottom/column labels to be labeled "Tary, Lane, Don".
How do you do that?
Thank you in advance for all of the advice and help.
type ?boxplot in the R terminal to get usage info, help with arguments and examples :-)