Hi, can somebody help me fix this problem. I have gene expression data of 2314 genes for 15 conditions (alpha6; normalized and log2 transformed). I did hierarchical clustering of the genes based on expression and extracted clusters with the following scripts:
hc <- hclust(dist(alpha6))
clusters_name <- cutree(hc, h=15.15)
rect.hclust(hc, h=15.5)
table_clusters_name <- data.frame(clusters_name)
I also prepared a heatmap with ‘gplots’ packagae with the following scripts
heatmap.2((alpha6), Rowv=as.dendrogram(hc), RowSideColors=as.character(clusters_name), trace="none", scale="row", density.info="none", col=bluered(2766))
I got 47 clusters. I want to have the cluster no. in the heatmap dendrogram. Can any body help me to do this? Any help will be appreciated.
I did it in another way, which may be partially okay. For example, I know I have 47 clusters, I choose to specify the color of the clusters rather than using the default color like this:
new_colors <- revalue(as.character(clusters_name), c("1"="yellow4", "2"="aliceblue","3"="antiquewhite","4"="white", "5"="azure", "6"="beige", "7"="bisque","8"="black","9"="blue", "10"="blueviolet", "11"="brown", "12"="burlywood","13"="cadetblue","14"="chartreuse", "15"="chocolate", "16"="coral", "17"="cornflowerblue","18"="cornsilk","19"="cyan", "20"="darkblue", "21"="darkgray", "22"="darkgreen","23"="darkmagenta","24"="darkorange", "25"="darkred", "26"="darkviolet", "27"="gold","28"="gray","29"="green", "30"="greenyellow", "31"="honeydew", "32"="hotpink","33"="ivory","34"="khaki", "35"="lavender", "36"="lawngreen", "37"="lightblue","38"="lightcoral","39"="lightgreen", "40"="lightseagreen", "41"="magenta", "42"="maroon","43"="mediumaquamarine","44"="mediumorchid", "45"="navy", "46"="olivedrab", "47"="orange"))
heatmap.2((alpha6), Rowv=as.dendrogram(hc), RowSideColors=new_colors, trace="none", scale="row", density.info="none", col=redblue(2766))
This tells me cluster 1 has 'yellow4' color and so in. Using the color code, I can manually update the cluster no. in the dendrogram. If my technique is useful somebody may use it.
Yes that is fine as long as it serves your purpose but then you can also take a look at this link and see if you can make a cleaner and neat one for your future use as well or may be this link.
Thanks for your suggestions.