I have done DEG analysis with limma and GSEA separately ,in 150 topranked of each one, I have different results, when I run Reduce(intersect, list(limma ,GSEA))
I found that, there are 43 common gene symbols
Now I don't know which results is more reliable for downstream analyze and please let me know,in your opinion, what is the source of this discrepancy ? I should tell you that before I keep prob-ids with Amean > median, these common gene were 25 in 150 topranked list !!
Infact , I was quite surprised to see the OP making GSEA a DEG tool which is not. It is important to understand what is the importance of each tools with respect to biological inferences they remit. As @andrew.j.skelton73 highlighted it determines that statistical significance of 2 disease states using information of genes involved in specific pathways.
Yes you are right, but here http://www.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/genepattern/gene-expression-analysis , genePattern offers GSEA for DEG analysis , when I tried with that,it collapsed my prob-id and then after t-test and multitest correction ranked them as DEG between case and control !!!
so according, andrew.j.skelton73 and your Ideas, first, I should define my informative genes with limma and then subset them from total data and the next step is using GSEA !!
Thank you
If am not wrong the link says does not define them as DEGs if you see here under the pathway section it is using the DEGs to define between 2 biological states the differences of defined state of genes and how they are enriched and in doing that it is performing a t-test for the significance of the state. So that is not a differential expression per se.
Note : If you think my answer is helpful please accept it as an answer so that it can be helpful for others in the community. Thanks
Thank you vchris_ngs, your answer was completely helpful , I am not vary familiar with biostars structure, I upvote your answer, how can I accept an answer ? I apologize for my noob question !!
I believe you can scroll to the place near the up vote for the answer I made and see a tick sign for accepting it as an answer. For the OP it should be an answer.
@vchris_ngs: You could repost your comment above as an answer (or use the moderate button and move the comment to an answer) and then @Shamim can accept it. Better that way.
Am not speaking about the above comment. The answer which I already gave is put as an upvote and if its of help as an answer @Shamim should be able to accept it as an answer already.
Ah I see. You have a separate answer at the top (missed that originally). @Shamim you should accept all answers that were useful using the check mark against the answers (more than one answer can be accepted).
Anyone of the the answer mine or andrew can be accepted as answer. We both did answer and are quite detailed according to OP so the OP can accept anyone for community holders. Again am not asking to accept my comment as answer. I see to one of my answer is given upvotes I was talking about that. But in any case since it is having upvote even the answer of andrew is insightful and can be accepted by OP
Absolutely. Did not mean to imply that only your answer should be accepted (I will modify my post above). More than one answer can be "accepted".
That is what I was intending to say. :)