I would like to generate SNP wise stat for all kind of SNPs(A_C, A_G, A_T, C_A, C_G, C_T, G_A, G_C, G_T, T_A, T_C & T_G) from VCF.
Is there any tool which can give me such stat.
I would like to generate SNP wise stat for all kind of SNPs(A_C, A_G, A_T, C_A, C_G, C_T, G_A, G_C, G_T, T_A, T_C & T_G) from VCF.
Is there any tool which can give me such stat.
if you bgzip
compress and tabix
index your vcf file, you can get that information using bcftools
bgzip file.vcf
tabix -p vcf file.vcf.gz
bcftools stats file.vcf.gz
Hi Jorge,
Thanks for answer, but it calculates stat for substitution which is misleading if I am particularly interested in SNP.
For example, I have ran above commands for sample1 : I got it No. of SNP = 54233 & Substitutions = A>C 1472 A>G 5680 A>T 1414 C>A 8095 C>G 1852 C>T 8746 G>A 8748 G>C 1965 G>T 7896 T>A 1330 T>C 5645 T>G 1474 Total == 54317.
Hope you have understood my problem.
Thanks, Govardhan
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Did you mean this: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/3.3/bioc/html/snpStats.html