Hi! i have 2 files with paied reads (forward and reversed) and i'm wanting to trimm adapters from these reads.
the problem is in fastqc tool - i'm seeing in its output, that forward reads have problems on both adapter content and overrepresented sequences (which provides me an actual secuence of adapter). Thr adaptor here is GATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCACGATCAGATCTCGTATGC
but on the reversed reads, fastqc says that there are adapters (at the end of reads) but no overrepresented sequences, hence i don't have a sequence to trimm.
is there a way to define this reversed adapter?
yes, there are like libraries, but it seems unreasonable to test all of them - there must a way to tell what adapter fastqc is showing, or which is paired to the one i've found in forward reads
You don't have to test them one by one, just put it like :
wow, thanks a lot for a whole command! i'm doing this now
can you also give me link for a source for these sequnces? i wounder what other adapters are there