Hello @ALL BioStars! My first Question here...
I installed localy the (ensembl) human databases for me to learn and occasionally run scripts with SQL on them.
With the SQL:
SELECT gene.stable_id, gene.description, xref.*
FROM gene INNER JOIN object_xref ON gene.gene_id = object_xref.ensembl_id
INNER JOIN xref ON xref.xref_id = object_xref.xref_id
gene.stable_id = 'ENSG00000125730' AND
object_xref.ensembl_object_type = 'Gene' AND
xref.external_db_id = 1520
... i've got in homo_sapiens_core_81_38 still 3 MIM_MORBID records (1520 is the external_db_id for MIM_MORBID)
Now in homo_sapiens_core_84_38 I get nothing more.
xref has still over 8000 records for the external source MIM_MORBID, but none of them are liked in object_xref any more.
Looking at the WEB-Page of ENSG00000125730 I can see all possible phenotypes for this gene, not only MIM_MORBID, but also GOA (even with PMIDs) and Orphanet.
How I could link a gene again to this external resources (SQL)?
Orphanet isn't any more in the external_db table. PUBMED is there, but has no records in xref.
From where are those infos coming onto the Web page?