Hi All,
I am trying to perform a denovo assembly of my Fungal genome in SPADES. After running for a while, I am getting unexpected error. Can SPADES be incapable of handling bigger genomes (30mb)?
This the error I am getting:
== Error == system call for: "['/Users/lindakohn/Desktop/Tools/SPAdes-3.7.1-Darwin/bin/spades', '/Users/Desktop/European_denovo/K77/configs/config.info']" finished abnormally, err code: -9
How much memory are you using for this job?
E.coli genome requires a peak of ~9GB of RAM so a 30 mb genome will require a proportionately larger amount (default RAM size is 250G, if available).
I have a memory of 64GB RAM.
Is that the reason?
I have a feeling that you may not have enough RAM available.