Is there a way to convert these to chromosome positions and nucleotide changes? thanks.
I should probably add for clarification that some snps listed to do not have an rsid. this is a particularly challenging case because i am not able to join to UCSC snp tracks via rsid (where chromosomal positions exist)
This file (humsavar.txt) is complemented by files of amino acid altering variants imported from
Ensembl Variation databases. Mapped sequence variants are supplied per species
in a tab delimited text file.
In particular, the human file is homo_sapiens_variation.txt.gz:
The variants listed are the Ensembl Variation databases' set of 1000 Genomes
project ( and Catalogue of Somatic Mutations In
Cancer (COSMIC) v71, imported directly from COSMIC and via Ensembl Variation,
protein altering variants (SO:0001583). COSMIC v71 variants are the last freely
available somatic variants from COSMIC before their licence change; therefore
the accuracy of the information provided for a COSMIC variant should be verified
with COSMIC. (Text from README file in that directory)
Please don't hesitate to contact the UniProt helpdesk in case of questions about these files.
Thanks Elisabeth - very helpful! I had also looked into the Bisoconductor package VariantAnnotation that includes data objects such as polyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131 - which maps most of the rsids to the humsavar dataset. it's obviously a bit out of date now so I much appreciate alternative data scourses that you mentioned.
Thanks Elisabeth - very helpful! I had also looked into the Bisoconductor package VariantAnnotation that includes data objects such as polyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131 - which maps most of the rsids to the humsavar dataset. it's obviously a bit out of date now so I much appreciate alternative data scourses that you mentioned.