Yesterday i setup a local Silva 123 database for Blastn.
makeblastdb -in LSU.fasta -dbtype nucl -out Silva_LSU
blastn -query Test.fasta -db Silva_LSU -out test/ -outfmt 6 -num_threads 8
After blastn, i don't know how to analyze the output in MEGAN.
According to the Silva 123 notice, it has MEGAN compatible files as in the follwing website.
tax_TAXNAME_[ls]su_VERSION.{map,tre} tax_TAXNAME_[ls]su_VERSION.acc_taxid
Then, i download these three files, but i still don't know how to use them? Which is for "Load RefSeq Mapping file" "Load Gi Mapping File" and "Load Synonyms Mapping File"? Pleas help me.
What does MEGAN manual say about these files? Not necessarily the SILVA files but "RefSeq Mapping File", "Gi Mapping File", etc..
p.s. blast is most definitely not the best way to assign taxonomy to rDNA sequences..