More suggestions?
- BeadScan: Analysing data from Illumina BeadArrays
- BisReadMapper: Library-free methylation sequencing with bisulfite padlock
- BRAT: Highly configurable and well-documented three‑letter bisulphite aligner
- BSMAP: Probably the most widely used wild-card bisulphite aligner
- BSmooth is a pipeline for analyzing WGBS data: aligning, quality control, and identifying DMRs.
- ComBat: R script for correcting known or suspected batch effects
- DMAP: differential methylation analysis package for RRBS and WGBS data.
- GenomeStudio: GenomeStudio Methylation Module v1.8
- GSNAP: Wild-card bisulphite aligner included in a widely used general-purpose
- isva: R package for batch effect correction using an algorithm
- MethylCoder: Three‑letter bisulphite aligner that can be used with either Bowtie and Bowtie2
- methylumi: R/Bioconductor package for Infinium data normalization
- minfi: R/Bioconductor package for Infinium data normalization, analysis
- Pash: Wild-card bisulphite aligner included in a general-purpose alignment tool
- RMAP: Wild-card bisulphite aligner included in a general-purpose alignment tool
- RnBeads: R package providing a software pipeline for Infinium data normalization,
- RRBSMAP: Variant of BSMAP that is specialized on reduced-representation
- segemehl: Wild-card bisulphite aligner included in a general-purpose alignment tool
- SVA: R/Bioconductor package for correcting batch effects
- methyLiftover: cross-platform DNA methylation data integration
- dariober's methylation-cafe:
- metilene for DMR (Fast and Sensitive: better than MOABS and Bsmooth)
- scLVM: single-cell RNA-seq heterogeneity source deconvolution
- methpipe:
- Bis-SNP:
- COMETs: Information recovery from low coverage whole-genome bisulfite sequencing
- HMMcopy: copy number estimations for whole genome data with GC and mappability correction
- BS-SNPer: SNP calling in bisulfite-seq data
DNA methylation needs 5 stages: Mapping and Normalization Preprocessing Analysing Visualisation Validation and interpretation Partek company has a software for all these stages but it is not free. My question is: 1- Which of the current packages have the five stages with different options? 2- I need a tutorial to follow to reproduce some figures like? Thank you