Hi :)
I find when I write notes or try and explain how something works to someone else, I easily lose track of when some value has been "normalized", and what exactly normalization in this circumstance means.
For example, a particular ChIP-Seq assay could be:
- Raw signal
- Normalized by total reads in sample
- Normalized by total signal in sample
- "Normalized" to signal in input control (which generally gets normalized itself)
- Quantile normalized to other samples of the same assay type
I'm sure there are other, more complicated, ways to "normalize" -- and perhaps in half the cases where I say I have normalized the data I have actually just "transformed it" (certainly the distribution is not normal) -- but those are the ones I commonly do. Given that their is so much room for ambiguity here, I was wondering if there is a standard nomenclature for this in Mathematics or Statistics? I don't think there are enough symbols for every normalization scenario - but just to be able to differentiate between input normalized, read count normalized, and not at all normalized, would really help. Googling "normalization symbol" didn't help :(
If you have any other examples of confusing terminology or non-specific "bioinformatic slang", it would be great to hear about those too :) Some times I don't realize how unspecific I'm being when I say things (usually because I expect everyone to know what I mean), so it would be great to hear common tropes people encounter or use themselves.
I think you hit the nail on the head there - for cross-disciplinary talks, you're options boil down to:
explicitly describe the transformation to a bunch of people who probably will drift-off as soon as you say anything vaguely non-biological.
brush over the specifics of the transformation, maybe not even mentioning it at all.
The latter is what I think happens most often in cross-disciplinary talks, probably due to time constraints, but it results in a sort of institutionalized muddiness when talking about concepts which should really be very clear. If only R functions came with a little animation of how they worked that you could embed into your presentations :)