I know we can get accepted_hits.bam from tophat like this:
tophat2 --max-multihits 1 --b2-very-sensitive --GTF mm10.gtf --output-dir CZ-1_thout genome CZ1.fastq
And I know we can also get a bam file from bowtie-samtools pipeline like this:
bowtie2 -q -x genome -U CZ1.fastq -S CZ1.sam
samtools view -Sb CZ1.sam> CZ1_nonSorted.bam
samtools sort -o CZ1.bam CZ1_nonSorted.bam
samtools index CZ1.bam
So my questions is what is the difference between these bam files?
Thanks so much~~
BAM file format is a published specification. All files purporting to be in that format must adhere to fields that are minimally required.
So the difference in the files would be the differences in mapping (if applicable) but format wise they should be BAM's.