I can't find an easy solution to extract the last N bases of all reads from a FASTQ file, is there an easy solution with prinseq-lite, cutadapt or Fastx-toolkit to do it ? Or an other tool. I know i can do it on my own with either a java or a perl script, but well it seems so obvious that one of those program can do it in a few seconds, but i do not find the way to do it.
thanks a lot to save me time, and thanks for this so resourcefull forum.
Hi all, thanks for the answers but it seems not working as i want.
First all the sed command does not output fastq file so it is useless for me.
Concerning the bbduk options, i did not try bbduk yet but it really seems interesting and maybe it can do the stuff, but this command line does not work. Let me explain better what i want, here is the first reads of my input.fastq file:
What i want as output is the last 4 bases in a fastq format file:
--> output.fastq contains the first 4 bases not the last ones
Note that reads can have differents length, what i want is really the last 4 bases of all reads in my fastq file in a fastq format (including QV)
thanks for helping me !
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As for the BBMap solution I suggest that you use reformat.sh like so
reformat.sh in=input.fastq forcetrimleft=[seq_length - bases you want to keep] out=right.fastq
Replace [seq_length - bases you want to keep] this part with a real number.
Edit: I see that reads can have different length so this solution would not work.
It would help if the original question gave the exact details of what you want. The way it is worded makes it seem like all you wanted was the last four bases of each read simply printed out. Truncating fastq entries down to the last 4bp is a different problem.
This will print the last 5 characters. The sed command prints the sequences (every 4th line of the fastq, starting with the second), the grep grabs the last n characters.
Hi @pld, thanks for sharing this. What would be used if I wanted to exrtact the first and last 5 bases of a fastq file? What should be typed in differently for the second line after the pipeline?
You should generally not ask new questions in answers that are not directly related.
As for your question: you could simply do zcat file.fastq.gz |head -20 to get first five reads. If your file is not compressed then just head -20 file.fastq will suffice.
Hi @genomax, thank you for your reply. but I have just modified my question, I meant how I could extract the first and last N bases from a read in a fastq file?
I have used the following command to extract the last 1000 bases of a read from a fastq file but I'd like to incorportate the first 1000 bases to the command as well:
$$ grep -A 4 "read_name_identifier" filename.fq | sed -n '2~4p' | grep -o '.{1000}$'
The definition of region is 1-based and with some custom design.
1-based index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
negative index 0-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
seq A C G T N a c g t n
1:1 A
2:4 C G T
-4:-2 c g t
-4:-1 c g t n
-1:-1 n
2:-2 C G T N a c g t
1:-1 A C G T N a c g t n
1:12 A C G T N a c g t n
-12:-1 A C G T N a c g t n
I'm wondering why the No.1 user Biostar modified some threads and
brought them to homepage these days.
That is a programmed feature in Biostars that "bumps" old threads (I am sure there is some logic that @Istvan can comment on) to keep the main page periodically populated.It provides a chance for (relatively) new users like you to offer fresh takes on answers/comments.
If you want to make it complicated: Use reformat.sh to make the reverse complement, get the first N reads, and change it back with another reverse complement:
This command does not produce a meaningful output, at least not on my Macbook. I guess you would need to use egrep, then it should be fine I guess. Correct me if I am wrong. Is this different on Linux?
You mean remove them?
Do you want to remove last N bases from a fastq file or want to extract them into new file?
Answers below cover both possibilities.
I was puzzled by the same thing.
Hi all, thanks for the answers but it seems not working as i want. First all the sed command does not output fastq file so it is useless for me. Concerning the bbduk options, i did not try bbduk yet but it really seems interesting and maybe it can do the stuff, but this command line does not work. Let me explain better what i want, here is the first reads of my input.fastq file:
What i want as output is the last 4 bases in a fastq format file:
NB: cat input.fastq | /share/apps/local/bbmap/bbduk.sh in=stdin.fastq forcetrimright=3 out=output.fq minlength=3
--> output.fastq contains the first 4 bases not the last ones
Note that reads can have differents length, what i want is really the last 4 bases of all reads in my fastq file in a fastq format (including QV) thanks for helping me ! kevin.
If future use the "Add comment"/"Add reply" options against the respective answers/comments to provide additional information. Do not add a "new answer".
As for the BBMap solution I suggest that you use reformat.sh like so
[seq_length - bases you want to keep]
this part with a real number.Edit: I see that reads can have different length so this solution would not work.
It would help if the original question gave the exact details of what you want. The way it is worded makes it seem like all you wanted was the last four bases of each read simply printed out. Truncating fastq entries down to the last 4bp is a different problem.