I know this kind of question have been asked before but I am not able to solve my problem. I have fastq file containg reads from small RNAseq of non-model plant. I cleaved my adapter (AGATCGGAAGAGCACA) and found peak at 24 nt. I search out the conserved miRNA from miRbase database and predicted the novel miRNA by mirPREFFER. But I got very low percentage (>1% )of alignment when I aligned the my fastq file the predicted miRNAs of my plant. I tried two aligner Bowtie2 and novoalign
I have uploaded the the raw, adapter-trimmed and length sorted fastq files and their respectice fastqc reports HERE
Any help will be much appreciated Thanks
How long are your sequences? If it is less than 25, it would be the limit for most mappers. Since it is RNAseq could you try segemehl or STAR and see if there are more valid alignments?
I am trying to map 18-24 nt long reads only. Since in literature people have successfully used the Bowtie2 for miRNAseq that's why I used it. I will try to use the START as well as segemehl . Thanks