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8.9 years ago
Hi all
I'm trying to align probe sequence of rat230_2 micoarray to the transcriptome of rattus with utmost 6 mismatch. first I've build the index file from the transcriptome with the following command:
./Aligning/2bwt-builder ./Aligning/transcriptom.fasta
then I've tried to align the probe sequence to the index file with following command:
./Aligning/soap -a ./Aligning/probes.fasta -D ./Aligning/transcriptom.fasta.index -o output.txt -v 6 -p 4 -r 2
but i got the following output in the command line:
length y < 0, skip anyway ...
and the percent of alignment is 0.
where is the problem?
I think you misuse "./"
You only need to use this for an execution file, e.g.:
yes you are right but the problem is still exist.
Are you sure soap works with FASTA instead of FASTQ?? I am not sure, I have never tried it.
Try to see if you get unmapped reads with -u option.
Yes it is work. I found the problem. it doesn't work for read with length less than 27. so I used bwa aligner.