I am clipping the adapter from a FASTq file. There are three options in Galaxy version of FASTX-toolkit-
Output only clipped sequences (i.e. sequences which contained the adapter) Output only non-cliped sequence (i.e Sequence which did not contain the adapter) Output both clipped and non-clipped sequences
when I see the instructions @ http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/galaxy.html I could not figure out which one may be most appropriate.
I want to get the FASTq fiel after cliping adapter. To get read which dont have adapter sequence in initial FASTq file as well as reads where ad adapter reads are clipped. Any pointer which out put option should be the right one. I tried 1st and 3rd option both are different and dont have adapter seq.
What will be the general rule to take reads only from where adapter has been clipped and discard rest of reads which dont have adapter seq to begin with. I am interested in small RNA seq and want to remove true seq small RNA illlumina adapter seq. In publications I dont find any consensus.
Then output only clipped sequence.