Hi all,
I'm trying to analyse some methylation data that was taken from Illumina methylation EPIC microarray using lumi and I get the following error when I try to import my data. What could I be doing wrong? Any help is highly appreciated..
library("lumi", lib.loc="C:/R-3.3.0beta/library")
sampleInfo=read.csv("E:/A/200357150012/SAM18211 mthylation EPIC.txt",sep="\t", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
data=importMethyIDAT(sampleInfo, dataPath = getwd(), lib = NULL, bigMatrix=FALSE, dir.bigMatrix='.') Error in importMethyIDAT(sampleInfo, dataPath = getwd(), lib = NULL, bigMatrix = FALSE, : 'SENTRIX_POSITION' and 'SENTRIX_BARCODE' or 'SENTRIX_ID' and are required in 'sampleInfo'!