Hi. I trid to use mpileup to identified the SNP/Indels. The commands I used were:
samtools fillmd –bAr sample.sorted.bam ref.fa > sample.sorted.baq.bam
samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -bvcg - > var.raw.bcf
bcftools view var.raw.bcf | vcfutils.pl varFilter -D 100 > var.flt.vcf
I saw some of the SNPs that Qual value that low than 20 and Indels that low than 50.The problem is that I don't know if I can just trust this output resutls ar I still need to filter the resutls to make it reliable. If I need to filter, what kand of rule I should use? Thanks a lot.
Here are some of the results:
1. 1102 . C T 3.01 . DP=10;AF1=0.4997;AC1=1;DP4=1,7,2,0;MQ=60;FQ=4.77;PV4=0.067,1,1,1 GT:PL:GQ 0/1:30,0,147:28
2. 14689 . A G 18.1 . DP=10;AF1=0.5;AC1=1;DP4=0,6,0,4;MQ=60;FQ=21;PV4=1,1.1e-05,1,1 GT:PL:GQ 0/1:48,0,116:51
3. 9373 . C A 44 . DP=10;AF1=0.5;AC1=1;DP4=0,6,4,0;MQ=60;FQ=47;PV4=0.0048,0.014,1,1 GT:PL:GQ 0/1:74,0,115:77
4. 6427 . T TT 14.6 . INDEL;DP=9;AF1=0.5025;AC1=1;DP4=0,1,0,2;MQ=56;FQ=-14.7;PV4=1,1,0.12,1 GT:PL:GQ 0/1:52,0,20:23
5. 314 . AA A 18.5 . INDEL;DP=9;AF1=0.5;AC1=1;DP4=4,0,4,0;MQ=60;FQ=18.5;PV4=1,0.0011,1,1 GT:PL:GQ 0/1:56,0,56:56
6. 6068 . GATTAG G 214 . INDEL;DP=9;AF1=1;AC1=2;DP4=0,0,2,7;MQ=60;FQ=-61.5 GT:PL:GQ 1/1:255,27,0:51
Thanks for you response. The average depth of my data were near 30. Here are just part of the resutls. I just wonder that do I need to filger some of the results like that for 1,2,4 and 5 since the qual are less than 20 for SNP and 50 for Indels.
Thanks for you response. The average depth of my data were near 30. Here are just part of the resutls. I just wonder that do I need to filter some of the results like that for 1,2,4 and 5 since the qual are less than 20 for SNP and 50 for Indels