Hi Guys, I wonder if there is a quick way to use samtools to get direcitonal coverage, i.e., coverage of forward direction and reverse direction. What I can see is mpileup function may generate what I want. In column 4 of the mpileup output, it's total coverage, and in column 5 the string contains some directional information, such as upper and lower case of ACGT/acgt, but the pattern of this string is way too complicate and no help message available. I searched and find some help, but seems it's outdated. The message says dots and commas in the fifth column, which is not I get. My mpileup output 5th column is something like AAAAAAaaaaa-1naAAAA^LAA<<<>>>{} etc (a fabricated example). What I want is pretty simple, for example, chr1 pos refbase totalcoverage forwardcoverage reverse_coverage. Does anybody know how to extract such information out of mpileup output? Thanks!