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8.8 years ago
Hi I was performing my work on GSE71416 and got the following kind of error. Can anyone please pinpoint what does this error mean..
> rmaData = rma(gse71416preset)
Background correcting
Calculating Expression
Warning message:
package ‘hgu133plus2cdf’ was built under R version 2.15.1
> gse71416eset= exprs(rmaData)
> groups = paste(pData(phenoData(gse71416dat[[1]]))$characteristics_ch1.1,pData(phenoData(gse71416dat[[1]]))$characteristics_ch1.2, sep=".")
> groups[groups=="Gene expression from OAT_obese and non-diabetic subjects"]="control"
> groups[groups=="Gene expression from OAT_obese and diabetic subjects"]="diabetic"
> f = factor(groups, levels=c("control","diabetic"))
> design_gse71416 = model.matrix(~0+f)
Warning message:
In is.na(rows) : is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL'
It'll be very helpful if anyone can help me to remove the error..
Thannx alot I've removed it out now again there is error can u help me correcting it please it'll be very helpful fr me...
Could you print out the variables f and design_gse71416? To get an idea if everything is as it should be.
how can I print out variables f?Please let me know bcoz I'm naive in R.
You can just type
and press enter. Maybe it would be good to follow an introduction/tutorial in R, that would make the rest of your analysis less painful and easier to understand (e.g. http://swirlstats.com/)
after typing f I received this what does it mean please can u explain it...
Had to download some data to reproduce your problem, turns out the 'groups' are not what you think they are. Have a look at the groups variable after you do:
There is nothing like 'OAT_Obese and non-diabetic" or "OAT_Obese and diabetic".
I checked the variable 'pData(phenoData(gse71416dat[[1]]))' and what you need is:
Good luck, and I suggest to make yourself comfortable with R before proceeding.
Thank u fr your help I just changed the above command but getting the same error. Can u please help me out..
Check your variables if something goes wrong.
The titles look like this:
OAT_Obese and diabetic [OM032007]
OAT_Obese non-diabetic [Lot OM101707]
Therefore, groups[groups=="OAT_Obese and diabetic"]="diabetic" groups[groups=="OAT_Obese and non-diabetic"]="nondiabetic" don't work because that value is not present in groups
what you need is:
In addition, you wrote "and non-diabetic" which is incorrect.