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8.8 years ago
Hi I'm working on error and got the following error can anyone pinpoint the error it'll be very helpful fr me...
> study1 = "GSE71416"
> gse71416dat = getGEO('GSE71416')
Found 1 file(s)
trying URL 'ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/SeriesMatrix/GSE71416/GSE71416_series_matrix.txt.gz'
ftp data connection made, file length 3862808 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 3.7 Mb
File stored at:
> gse71416raw= getGEOSuppFiles(study1)
[1] "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE71416/"
trying URL 'ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE71416//GSE71416_RAW.tar'
ftp data connection made, file length 92989440 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 88.7 Mb
trying URL 'ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE71416//filelist.txt'
ftp data connection made, file length 3638 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 3638 bytes
> tarfile <- grep("\\.tar$", rownames(gse71416raw), value = TRUE)
> untar(tarfile, exdir="study1")
> celFiles <- unlist(list.files("study1", pattern = "\\.CEL.gz", full.names = TRUE))
> gse71416preset = ReadAffy(filenames = celFiles)
> rmaData = rma(gse71416preset)
Background correcting
Calculating Expression
Warning message:
package ‘hgu133plus2cdf’ was built under R version 2.15.1
> gse71416eset= exprs(rmaData)
> groups = pData(phenoData(gse71416dat[[1]]))$source_name_ch1
> groups=as.character(groups)
> groups[groups=="OAT_Obese and non-diabetic"]="control"
> groups[groups=="OAT_Obese and diabetic"]="diabetic"
> f = factor(groups, levels=c("control","diabetic"))
> design_gse71416 = model.matrix(~0+f)
> colnames(design_gse71416) = levels(f)
> cont.matrix = makeContrasts(diabetic-control, levels=design_gse71416)
> fit = lmFit(gse71416eset, design_gse71416)
Coefficients not estimable: control diabetic
Error in lm.fit(design, t(M)) : 0 (non-NA) cases
could you please post
head(groups); head(f); head(design_gse71416)
and check your spelling on 'OAT_Obese...'spelling are correct..
thanks for reposting the stuff that was in your original question......
I'm afraid he is just trying some commands without knowing enough R to understand what's going on or how to troubleshoot when things don't go as planned.