Hi all,
I want to use STAR for mapping, but first I'm trying to build the indexes of my reference hg (I use Ensembl hg), since it is recommended to build our own indexes I run the following command:
STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGenerate --outTmpDir tmp --genomeDir STAR_genome/ --genomeFastaFiles $ref_fa_dir --sjdbGTFfile $ref_gtf_dir --sjdbOverhang 100 --genomeChrBinNbits 15
but I still get this error:
EXITING because of fatal ERROR: could not make temporary directory: tmp
SOLUTION: (i) please check the path and writing permissions
(ii) if you specified --outTmpDir, and this directory exists - please remove it before running STAR
What I already tried:
1- run the command without the --outTmpDir option
2- chmod 777 to modify permissions in the current directory
3- create the temp directory in advance, and "chmod" it to 777
But the problem is still here
Any idea, suggestions to fix that error ?
Hi Igor,
I delete it, but I got the same error ().
the output of the following command (without the creation of any folder in advance)
is the same like before. But if no --outTmpDir option is specified, I got the same error except the tmp/ directory which is replaced by the default STAR directory.