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8.7 years ago
I tried using Gatk tool to find variants in a chromosome 21 of human genome. I used HaplotypeCaller tool for finding the variants using the following command:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R chr21/chr21.fa -T HaplotypeCaller -I chr21/alignments/human38chr21.sorted.bam -o chr21/variants/answerold.raw.snps.indels.vcf
as given on following url: https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/guide/tooldocs/org_broadinstitute_gatk_tools_walkers_haplotypecaller_HaplotypeCaller.php
I got a vcf file but it contains only the header part and there is not data lines in it.What is wrong?
Can you post the stack trace you get when you run this command?
I have added the stack trace in 2 replies due to limit placed on the number of characters in the reply text area.
I've also had issues with some of the GATK tools outputting what were basically empty vcf files. I found that running the base recalibrator before I ran haplotype caller changed my outputs significantly. I wonder if you're not running into something similar.
where do I get to known sites parameter.I can't find it.
approximately 962.428 total reads
So you have less than 1 million reads for all of chr21?
Have you tried to use GATK forum? This seems GATK specific.
what is the size of your bam file?
Also try to see inside bam file with:
Then give us a feedback.
Are u running this locally or on the cluster?