I had some data in "eland_export.txt" format and I want to convert it to the SAM format first and then later to the BAM format.
To convert "eland_export.txt" to SAM format, I used SAMTools' "export2sam.pl" script which did give me a SAM file but without SQ headers.
When I tried to convert this SAM file to BAM format using the command :
samtools view -bS infile.sam > outfile.bam
it generated the following error :
[samopen] no @SQ lines in the header.
[sam_read1] missing header? Abort!
This error was obviously due to the fact that there were no header SQ lines in my SAM file. However, I learnt that I could still convert SAM to BAM using the -t option.
However this -t option requires a reference fasta file. Could someone let me know from where I can get this fasta file ?
I am working with human genomic data from the Mar 2006 build. Is there one single "reference fasta" file for the human genome ? Or does this reference fasta file depend on the data that I am working on in any way ?
Thank you.
Hello Dave. Yes I had not produced the index file (.fai) using faidx earlier. However, even after producing this file and running samtools, I get some error: