I'm getting this error on my mac osx build.
Primer3/eprimer3 issue:
Error: thermodynamic approach chosen, but path to thermodynamic parameters not specified
PRIMERTHERMODYNAMICPARAMETERSPATH (string; default ./primer3config)
This tag specifies the path to the directory that contains all the parameter files used by the thermodynamic approach. In Linux, there are two default locations that are tested if this tag is not defined: ./primer3config/ and /opt/primer3config/. For Windows, there is only one default location: .\primer3config.
I put the primer3config in my PATH in bin and still cannot solve this issue:
I even did
export PRIMERTHERMODYNAMICPARAMETERSPATH=/Users/jared/Downloads/primer3-2.3.2/src
export PRIMERTHERMODYNAMICPARAMETERSPATH=/Users/jared/Downloads/primer3-2.3.2/src/primer3_config
to no avail.