Hi all,
I am using scalpel for detection of indels. It works fine for small panels, but right now I am running whole exome according to bed file downloaded from UCSC. Here is an error which appeared during analysis (after 3h of running)
Program: scalpel-discovery (micro-assembly variant detection)
Version: 0.5.2 (beta), September 29 2015
Contact: Giuseppe Narzisi <gnarzisi@nygenome.org>
-- Print parameters to /var/bioshare/P41/Intermediates/Indels/Scalpel/P41/parameters.txt
Loading targets from BED file...Use of uninitialized value $chr in string eq at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/SequenceIO.pm line 209, <EXONSLIST> line 398302.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/SequenceIO.pm line 224, <EXONSLIST> line 398302.
376315 targets (filtered 21987 overlapping).
Loading genome from FASTA file...93 sequences.
Indexing BAM file...
Assembly Exons
Use of uninitialized value $start in subtraction (-) at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 360.
Use of uninitialized value $end in addition (+) at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 362.
Use of uninitialized value $left in subtraction (-) at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 366.
Use of uninitialized value $l in addition (+) at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 370.
start assembly of 510343 regions.
stepSize: 42529
Use of uninitialized value $chr in concatenation (.) or string at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 481.
Use of uninitialized value $left in concatenation (.) or string at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 481.
Use of uninitialized value $chr in exists at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 484.
Use of uninitialized value $chr in concatenation (.) or string at /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl line 484.
Undefined sequence ()
Command failure: FindVariants (/home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Programs/scalpel-0.5.2/FindVariants.pl --bam /var/bioshare/P41/Intermediates/BamSamFiles/P41_sorted_bed.bam --bed /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/InputFiles/BedFiles/UCSC_RefSeq_hg19_3_chr.bed --ref /home/agata/VariantAnnotationPipeline/Reference/hg19.fa --kmer 25 --covthr 5 --lowcov 30 --mincov 5 --covratio 0.01 --outratio 0.05 --radius 100 --window 400 --maxregcov 10000 --step 100 --mapscore 1 --mismatches 3 --pathlimit 1000000 --dir /var/bioshare/P41/Intermediates/Indels/Scalpel/P41 --numprocs 12 --format vcf --coords null)...
child exited with value 25
Discovery: elapsed time: 0 day(s) 3 hour(s) 6 minute(s) 5 second(s)
Could anyone help me to solve this problem? I am running this analysis on 132GB computer.
I would really appriciate for help,
Why not email the contact?
Yeap, I'll probably contact the author. But I was wondering if anybody had this problem and know the solution.