Hi everyone
Does anyone know existing pipelines to evaluate SV/CNV calling tools.
Suppose I have a BED file with the ground truth for simulated SVs, and BED files with results for different tools.
Which measures do people use to compare the performance of such tools?
I know that some people use "touch" (considering at least 1 base of overlap), or "percentage" (taking into account a threshold percentage to consider a hit) to calculate concordance, precision, etc.
Are there other measures or tools you guys are aware of?
Thanks in advance
I actually have simulated data with the ground truth in a BED file. I also have the calls for different tools (CNVnator, SVDetect, Lumpy). What I want to do is to evaluate these calls and I was wondering if someone had used different methods before.
Thanks, Leandro
Here's what we did. Because we were systematic with our CNV prioritization (i.e. going back to the BAM files and genotyping each putative CNV) our sensitivity was much greater than if you applied the suggested filters for some CNV callers. Lumpy is actually pretty descent sometimes and you can filter based on a high QUAL score. We determined a suitable QUAL cutoff for gtCNV and others by calculating FDR with arrays (IRS test from SVtoolkit).
If you only have positions and no BAM files and no array data then I can't think of anything else but to filter the positions based on the reported QUAL score in the raw data and/or filtering on LCR, abParts, centromeres, telomeres, and any gaps in the genome (+ heterochromatin) Doing this, you will get a good FDR but much lower sensitivity. Sensitivity is important for us because we are interested in de novo events.