I have a Python script running EMBOSS "needle" alignments using the os.system() command, and I find it unnecessary for it to print out:
(a) all error messages e.g.
Error: Sequence is not nucleic
(b) the standard "needle" message e.g.
Needleman-Wunsch global alignment of two sequences
Does anybody have a clean solution suppress these? Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi newilfws,
Thank you for your suggesstions. I think the error problems were solved, but I am not having luck suppressing the standard output messages described in (b), as they are not exactly prompts. If you have any additional insight into this I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi newilfws, Thank you for your suggestions. I think the error problems were solved, but I am not having luck suppressing the standard output messages described in (b), as they are not exactly prompts. If you have any additional insight into this I would greatly appreciate it
Have you tried the -auto switch? I just ran needle from the command line using it and the "needle message" is not printed.
My bad, this totally works, I was confusing the invocation syntax with the NeedleCommandline biopython wrapper. Thanks!