I am trying to use Biopython (Entrez) with search terms that will return the accession number (and not the GI*).
Here is a tiny excerpt of my code:
from Bio import Entrez
Entrez.email = 'myemailaddress'
search_phrase = 'Escherichia coli[organism]) AND (complete genome[keyword])'
handle = Entrez.esearch(db='nuccore', term=search_phrase, retmax=100, rettype='acc', retmode='text')
result = Entrez.read(handle)
gi_numbers = result['IdList']
'745369752', '910228862', '187736741', '802098270', '802098269', '802098267', '387610477', '544579032', '544574430', '215485161', '749295052', '387823261', '387605479', '641687520', '641682562', '594009615', '557270520', '313848522', '309700213', '284919779', '215263233', '544345556', '544340954', '144661', '51773702', '202957457', '202957451', '172051323'
What slice of magic am I missing? Thank you for your assistance.
*especially since they are phasing out GI numbers
that works great! However, with NCBI getting rid of GI numbers soon, this will stop working soon, right?