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8.8 years ago
> fit = lmFit(gse50397eset, design_gse50397)
Error in lmFit(gse50397eset, design_gse50397) :
row dimension of design doesn't match column dimension of data object.
Can anyone please help me out of this error.
Can you check and post:
dim tells you the sizes of your objects. And indeed, these do not match. You should check if you properly created those objects.
which objects aren't created properly?? and how can I make them proper match?
You should have a look at this thread: Error in R Script something rather similar is discussed there
please tell according to my script that which objects are not properly defined?
shouldn't this be
fit = lm(gse50397eset, design_gse50397)
?Then you get
lmFit does exist (limma)
What an absurd way of creating your trait data object, I would like to suggest you first follow a proper introduction to R before you try to do research. I'd suggest http://swirlstats.com/