Tophat2 runs nicely (6 hours) up to the step "joining segment hits". But this step (single core process, named longspanningreads") is running now for almost one week.
- data: 454-sequencing reads up to 500 nucleotides long probably containing a lot of exon-exon junctions.
- Tophat version 2.0.0
- Bowtie version:
here is the command:
tophat2 -p 12 -o tophat_out genome 454_data.fastq.gz
Does anyone has an idea what could cause this? Or maybe someone knows which parameter can be adjusted to reduce the time for this step.
Actually its wierd that the command ""tophat2 -p 12 -o tophatout genome 454data.fastq.gz"" worked.
As far as I have used, it goes as ""tophat -p 12 -o tophatout genome 454data.fastq.gz"" Without the "2"
When tophat2 is installed, tophat is replaced with a symlink (or maybe a python wrapper - I can't remember) to tophat2 in the /usr/bin directory (or wherever installed). So in reality when you run tophat you're getting tophat2 unless you have a really old version I guess.