Hi! I'm trying to use human_g1k_v37 reference genome and I've download it in .gz format but when I try to extract it I get an error.
Is there a way to extract or to download it in uncrompress format? Or is there a way to uncompress it?
Hi! I'm trying to use human_g1k_v37 reference genome and I've download it in .gz format but when I try to extract it I get an error.
Is there a way to extract or to download it in uncrompress format? Or is there a way to uncompress it?
I was not sure what 'human_g1k_v37' meant and thankfully I found this post which gave this location for the files. It seems indeed to be corrupt. You may want to contact the 1000Genomes team to let them know about this and hopefully fix it. In the meantime, this file from Ensembl will give you the same thing: DNA sequence from assembly GRCh37 (=hg19) without patches and haplotypes.
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Thank you for your help! I'll try to use this file to make my analysis, I'll let you know!