Prior to an assembly, I would like to trim out adaptor sequences from mate pair library.
I use usally Trimmomatic, but it doesn't suit for mate pair because of orientation right ? Do you have any recommandation for mate pair trimming ?
Prior to an assembly, I would like to trim out adaptor sequences from mate pair library.
I use usally Trimmomatic, but it doesn't suit for mate pair because of orientation right ? Do you have any recommandation for mate pair trimming ?
Take a look to BBDuk. There is plenty of information about it HERE
You can try Trim_galore
Single end
trim_galore $phred --fastqc --illumina --clip_R1 3 --clip_R2 3 $read[0] --output_dir ../fastq_trim
trim_galore $phred --fastqc --illumina --paired --clip_R1 3 --clip_R2 3 --three_prime_clip_R1 3 --three_prime_clip_R2 3 $read[0] $read[1] --output_dir ../
If you are removing the Nextera internal adapter for mate-pair libraries, you should use NxTrim:
This will both trim the internal adapter and categorize the reads into groups: true mate-pairs, single-end, paired-end, and unknown (no adapter found, so likely a mix of true mates and paired-end). Note that the tool will revcomp the output by default to make them innies, which is NOT what most assemblers want. You can stifle this to keep the outie orientation by using the --norc
Otherwise, the above choices will work for other standard adapter sequences.
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You can try Cutadapt. More information can be found: Trimming Adapters