Hello all,
I am performing de novo transcriptome assembly. I have used Trimmomatic to quality filter my reads. I used the argument: SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 Can someone explain what this means?
My understanding is that the sliding window approach will cut the read when the average quality of each 4-nt window falls below a quality score of 30.
I guess I am getting confused on the "cut the read" part. If someone could clarify this, it would be much appreciated! Also, is the quality score of 30 a phred score?
Thanks for the help! Nikelle
See if the answer here clarifies the concept. Once the condition being checked becomes true (Q score < 30 for window of 4 nt) the remaining nucloetides in the read would be cut.
Thanks Genomax, that link certainly helps. isDo you know if that Q score of 30 is the same as calling it a Phred score of 30?
For more on that (for Illumina) see this document.