I think this is a really easy question for anybody with experience using mysql and the UCSC browser.
I’m trying to retrieve all “promoter” regions where promoter is defined as X bp before the TSS.
I know how to do this using the ucsc browser however the output is displayed on screen and I would like instead to download a bed file. Is there a button I'm missing somewhere?
Regions with promoter (or enhancer, TFBS) activity have been annotated in Ensembl through our Regulatory build based on the ENCODE, Roadmap and Blueprint biochemical data. It's available for both GRCh38 and GRCh37 ((=hg19) and it can be accessed with MySQL although we would recommend using our APIs (Perl or REST). This is the Regulation schema and the API tutorial.
If the output is displayed in your browser window you should be able to right click on the page and do "save page as" (or an equivalent command for the browser you are using). If you are using UCSC table browser then providing a file name makes the output go to a file instead of the screen.
This is exactly what I had in mind! Thanks dariober! I edited the answer a little bit to just get the upstream bp (instead of a flanking region)