Hi all,
I am trying to use ADTEx on my exome sequencing data following the user guide instructions. The problem is that despite the fact I am not getting any error during running the command, the calculated coverage files for sample and normal bam files are endless;what I mean is that ADTEx keeps writing coverage file like forever and the coverage files are a lot of GBs (>700) and eventually my server crashes due to lack of free space. I also tried to obtain the depth of coverage using bedtools but I am still facing the same problem. What I suspect is that ADTEx and bedtools don t use my target bed file to calculate the specific regions coverage. Any ideas what s happening? My target.bed seems normal and I successfully used it in other software (chromosome names are same both in bam and target). Please see the ADTEx and bedtools commands below.
python ADTEx.py --normal ~/Desktop/processed_reads/mouse_3/m3_Liver_processed_realigned.bam --tumor ~/Desktop/processed_reads/mouse_3/m3_T1Bm1_processed_realigned.bam --bed ~/Desktop/mm10_bed_files/mm10_targets.bed --ploidy 2 --plot --minReadDepth 50 --out ~/Desktop/m3T1Bm1
coverageBed -abam ~/Desktop/processed_reads/mouse__T1Bm1_processed_realigned.bam -b ~/Desktop/mm10_bed_files/mm10_targets.bed -d > ~/Desktop/coverage.txt
Thank you in advance!
A general suggestion. Perhaps you have done this already but when this sort of thing happens it is always better to check the command with a reduced dataset/one sample.
You mean like trying to run it for one or two chromosomes?
What ever is easy to do. Are you working with just 2 files and the output becomes hundreds of GB or are there multiple samples? You could trim the target bed down to a smaller chromosome/region (chr22) and then do a run to check the output to see if it matches you expectation.
So, I have 2 bam files, one normal and one tumor and a target bed file containing all the exons coordinates. The calculated coverage file for each of 2 bam files becomes hundreds of GBs. Actually I just did that. I trimmed the bed file keeping only exons coordinates for a gene, but I am still facing the same issue. So, it seems that the target bed file is not taken into account by ADTEx and bedtools. I suppose this should be a command's line argument issue that s why i posted above. Any ideas are welcome.
For coverageBed see this important note. What version of bedtools are you using?
Yep, I have 2.25.0, so I think my command is correct.right?
Your target areas are in bed file so that should be first option (-a) for coverageBed.
Unfortunately not. I am afraid you are wrong. I tried your suggestion and I got a blank file.
Based on the discussion below it looks certain that there is a mismatch between your bed file and BAM's. Are the chromosome names matching in both?
Can you show us the output of
Yep this is the first thing I checked
The names are matching your bed file. Is your bed file tab delimited? Have you tried keeping just the first three columns of your bed file to see if that helps?
Yep, it s tab delimited and I also tried without annotation! I know it s weird!!!
i have the same problem, but it's indeed a version issue of bedtools. I got the same blank file by reversing the parameters as genomax suggested (it seems a bug of new version of betools). To solve this, I lower the version into 1.17.0. and it worked.