Yes that indicates something unexpected. For a paired-end data successfully aligned, the unpaired reads should/would be a fraction of the total read pairs examined. In your case its reverse.
Also note that the % duplication value is showing as 32.4%
How was the FastQC report?
Here is an e.g. MarkDuplicates output -
This WES sample had ~95M PE and was aligned with bwa mem. The % dup. here is 4%. But I observe anything upto 10-12% duplication for 60-100x depth WES samples.
Since this stats is what Picard sees in the aligned BAM file, unpaired reads would mean, of all reads that aligned, those where only one of the mate aligned. If you do samtools flagstat your_bam, then the (mapped) unpaired reads is given as the singleton%.
I have seen this to be mostly < 1%.
Thanks very much for your answer. It is very informative. What fraction of total read pairs is supposed to be unpaired in general in WES data?
hi, Since this stats is what Picard sees in the aligned BAM file, unpaired reads would mean, of all reads that aligned, those where only one of the mate aligned. If you do
samtools flagstat your_bam
, then the (mapped) unpaired reads is given as the singleton%. I have seen this to be mostly < 1%.