Dear Biostars,
this might be a simple question, I'm looking for a way to convert my csv files into an acceptable format, so that I can visualize my data in genome browser. Moreover, my csv files are the simplified version of annotated output, therefore, I hope I can visualize the AA change, Consequence, & additional flag (e.g. sample ID).
Any advise would be highly appreciated
Edit: I realized that my question is very vague. Maybe the first is first! Is there anyway to convert csv files into vcf ?
A csv file can contain anything. What kind of data are you talking about? single nucleotide variants/insertions & deletions, copy number, chipseq, methylation?
The csv file contains only annotated SNVs e.g. Gene, CHROM, POS, ID, AA, Consequence, Flag
Then make sure you have a VCF file, because that is the standard format for SNVs. IGV can import and visualize VCFs.
That was the reason for asking the original question! I could not find a way to convert csv to vcf particularly.
You realized this after 4 months and chose to edit the original post or is there a new question in there somewhere?
I see that you added an answer below as well :-)
No! The realization came right after receiving the first comments. To keep the original question intact I added lines after the "edit". This way people who answered and those who stop by, as yourself, still can follow this thread.
Few days ago, I added the answer that I learnt and back then did not know about. I thought it might be of interest to someone else.
By the way, accepting my own answer did not give me extra credit :)